
Friday, July 19, 2019

Best Seller's List

Someone asked me just lately, why I've never made the best seller's list. I didn't have to ponder the question for very long, but I didn't dare answer. As anyone who's known me since I started self publishing in 2013, my mouth can sometimes be my worst enemy. That, and the fact that some do not appreciate straight talk. As someone who' been part of the indie romancelandia for the past six years, I've never asked myself this question, because I know the answer. The problem with sharing that answer is the toes I will step on and I've given up doing that these past three years since I left social media.

If I ever had any interest in achieving the goal of making it to the best seller's list in the past, the list of some who actually made it there has long since changed my mind. I like my soul just where it is and have no plans on tarnishing it for a few dollars and an accolade that won't pay my bills. And that's all I'm going to say about that. Except to say, if any of you have ever heard of the payola system in the music world, you'll get an idea of some of what's being done.

I'm not the most moral person in the world, I peddle smut for crap sake, but there are just some lines I am not willing to cross. And again, my mouth has pretty much kept me locked out of many a room where others have freely gathered. The only thing that bothers me about this list thing, is the fact that some of my readers seem to feel cheated that an author they like has never been elevated to this vaunted ideal. My apologies.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Writing in the midst of hell

For the past week I've been trying my damnedest to work on any one of the hundreds of stories I have started. My mind doesn't shut off. I have a million ideas but lose interest smack dab in the middle of them all. Where I can usually escape into one of my worlds this time it's very hard. Earthquakes, hurricanes, death and destruction. I worry about my readers, their family and friends, and the world at large. As a believer, I know that this will work out in the end, but going through it is a horrible experience for me, so I can only imagine how those who are enduring it firsthand must feel. There is a sense of deep oppression in the air that clouds everything, like a living, breathing thing. I hope that all of you have some solace, something you can turn to in these dark times to help ease the pain.
Remember no matter what to love yourself and if you've never been a decent human being before, now is the time to start. There is something very dark in the world today that has come out of hiding and has no intention of giving up its hold until it has devoured everything in its path. Watch your six butterflies and stay strong.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Redneck Conspiracy

Since this book has been banned twice by amazon I am now offering it across all platforms and my website. Contrary to what's being bandied about, this is a love story pure and simple. Yes, T-Bone is unconventional, he does not follow the norms of society as we know it today. I guess we can say he's a throwback to an earlier time. I will not address the unpleasantness that has occurred surrounding this story, I leave that to everyone's conscience. Only the ones responsible know why they did it and it's none of my business. I am no man's judge, jury or executioner. I love the story, it was a work of fiction and I did with it as I pleased. I do wonder though at this penchant we humans have for forcing our will upon others. I wonder at the mind that thinks it has the right to dictate to another what they can and cannot do, say, or read. My savior hung on a cross so I don't have to answer to you, at the end of the day He will be the one to take me to task for all that I have done while here. Let's hope we can all stand before Him with clean hands and a pure heart.

Here are the links to the story; happy reading.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Enter the land of the Paranormal

The year is 1701. In this small New England town, nothing is as it seems. Something evil is stalking the townsfolk of this sleepy little haven and the children are its prey. Only one knows the secret behind these happenings, only one holds the key.

Bella Dawn is a new upcoming author of the deep dark paranormal. She delves into the darkest recess of human nature and brings it to light in a most spectacular way. Coming Soon from Marquis Press